Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Definition of Truth

The definition of 'truth' by Webster's 1828 Dictionary:

1. Conformity to face or reality; exact accordance with that which is, or has been, or shall be. the truth of history constitutes it's whole value. We rely on the truth of the Scriptural prophesies.
2. True state of facts or things. The duty of a court of justice is to discover the truth. Witnesses are sworn to declare the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
3. Conformity of words to thoughts, which is called 'moral truth.'
4. Veracity; purity from falsehood; practice of speaking truth; habitual disposition to speak truth' as when we say 'a man is a man of truth.'
5. Correct opinion
6. Fidelity; constancy
7. Honesty; virtue
8. Exactness; conformity to rule
9. The real fact or just principle; real state of things. There are innumerable truths which we are not acquainted.
10. Sincerity
11. The truth of God in His veracity and faithfulness
12. Jesus Christ is called the Truth
13. It is sometimes used by way of concession:
  • In truth: in reality; in fact
  • Of a truth: in reality; certainly
  • To do truth: to practice what God commands."
The definition of 'truth' according to

1. The true or actual state of a matter.
2. Conformity with fact or reality; verity.
3. A verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle or the like.
4. The state or character of being true.
5. Actuality or actual existence.
6. An obvious or accepted fact; truism; truthfulness.
7. Honesty; integrity; truthfulness.
8. Ideal or fundamental reality apart from and transcending perceived experience.
9. Agreement with a standard or original.
10. Accuracy, as a position or adjustment.
11. Archaic, fidelity or constancy.

12. In truth, in reality; in fact; actually.

Synonyms and antonyms of 'truth':

The Bible and Truth - Scripture List

A list of the verses in the KJV and NKJV that have the word, "truth" in them:

  1. Genesis 24:48
  2. Exodus 34:6
  3. Deuteronomy 32:4
  4. Psalms 15:2
  5. Psalms 25:10
  6. Psalms 40:11
  7. Psalms 51:6
  8. Psalms 85:11
  9. Psalms 91:4
  10. Psalms 117:2
  11. Psalms 119:30
  12. Psalms 119:43
  13. Psalms 119:142
  14. Psalms 119:160
  15. Proverbs 12:19
  16. Proverbs 23:23
  17. Isaiah 26:2
  18. Isaiah 59:14
  19. Jeremiah 9:3
  20. Daniel 4:37
  21. Hosea 4:1
  22. Zechariah 8:3
  23. Zechariah 8:16
  24. Malachi 2:6
  25. Mark 12:32
  26. John 1:14
  27. John 8:32
  28. John 14:6
  29. John 16:13
  30. John 18:38
  31. Acts 26:25
  32. Romans 1:18
  33. Romans 2:2
  34. I Corinthians 5:8
  35. I Corinthians 13:6
  36. II Corinthians 13:8
  37. Galatians 3:1
  38. Galatians 5:7
  39. Ephesians 4:15
  40. Ephesians 6:14
  41. II Thessalonians 2:10
  42. I Timothy 2:7
  43. II Timothy 2:15
  44. I Timothy 3:15
  45. II Timothy 2:25
  46. II Timothy 3:7
  47. James 3:14
  48. James 5:19
  49. II Peter 1:12
  50. II Peter 2:2
  51. I John 3:19
  52. I John 5:6
  53. III John 3
I'm going to write an essay on each verse that contains the word 'truth.' I'll post my essays here. I used the concordances for both the KJV and the NKJV, so the specific word 'truth' may not be used in a particular verse in one version, but it may be present in the other.

If you notice that any verses are missing, I would be extremely thankful if I was alerted. *big smile*

The Truth About Truth - Introduction

In our post-modern world, sometimes it's really easy to get confused about something extremely foundational: truth.

The popular trend of the world is the belief that there is no absolute truth - everything is relative. When a conversation begins to turn into a debate, oft you'll hear, "Well, we just have different beliefs. If it's true for you, have fun. But that's not my truth."

((Todd Friel's endorsement of Put Your Beliefs to the Test by Brannon Howse on page 1))

The Truth About Truth is my quest to affirm my beliefs about the answers to these key questions:

  1. Does absolute truth exist?
  2. What is absolute truth?
  3. Can we know absolute truth?
  4. How does one know absolute truth?
  5. Who provides absolute truth?

May this journey bring God all glory!

Welcome to the Apologia Akadimia!

Apologia Akadimia is the name of my private education courses. They are designed by me, with the help of my parents, to learn as much as I can with the abundance of resources already available to me.

My very first goal is to bring glory to God, and to grow closer to Him. Second, only to that, my main goal in this course is to gain knowledge. I'm not interested in impressing man, rather, I learn to please God. Because of my convictions about college campuses (they're more about 'the college experience' than actually learning, not to mention their anti-Christian worldviews) and because I'm not going to have a 'career' (as a woman, I'm called to be a keeper-at-home - it's Scriptural), I have no desire nor need to earn an accredited college degree. Therefore, I'm devoting my years as a single graduate serving my family at home!

I'm earning my 'mommy degree' by babysitting a family with nine kids as often as I can. I'm earning my 'housework degree' by taking on a larger load of chores at home. I'm earning my 'sewing degree' by learning from my younger sister who is a whiz when it comes to needles and thread. I'm earning my 'cooking degree' by preparing foods for our home whenever needed and putting together family cookbooks. And I minor in a host of other things. I literally learn 'hands-on.'

But, of course, one of my favorite pastimes is growing in my 'book knowledge.' I love to study anything and everything. But my very favorites are Theology, Apologetics, Worldview, World Religions & Cultures, History, Creation Science and Government. That is why I'm attending Apologia Akadimia - a world of knowledge located right in my bedroom!

For accountability and recording purposes, this blog has been born to document my journey in knowledge.

I do hope you enjoy reading it!

Christ's blessings,