Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Eschatology: "A Postmillennial Primer" Study

I first heard of "Postmillennialism" while talking over the end times with my best friend, Brittney. Her family is Postmillennialist, as well as Ben's (her fiancee) family. I became interested in opening up the study of Eschatology soon after, when I was trying to compare the views of these friends, and what I had always been taught - which was mainly a Dispensationalist, Pretribulation view. Of even that, I know relatively little.

Well, I went on a trip with Brittney to meet her fiancee's family in Alabama. Ben's dad is a Pastor, and I enjoyed a couple of deep conversations with him, as well as Mr. Jack (Brittney's Dad) on the subject. Then Pastor N. gave me a booklet which summarizes what they believe, as well as defends it.

This book is called "The Postmillennial Primer." It is written by Andrew Sandlin and published by the Chalcedon Foundation, a ministry founded by R.J. Rushdoony.

The Table of Contents:

Preface by R.J. Rushdoony
The Defect of Dispensationalism
The Problem of Premillennialism
The Anomaly of Amillennialism
The Promise of Postmillennialism
Afterword: The Inheritors
Suggested Reading

I am planning to post my study notes on this blog as I prayerfully consider an eschatological viewpoint. May the Lord guide my study!

Soli Deo Gloria!


  1. Oh! Shelby! Don't change your view--just read it to be educated in what they think--but its a ridiculous view! Please, on the other hand, consider this view:

  2. Dear Hannah,

    Thank you for the link! I placed my studies on my blog in order to get such responses! I'm really thankful for more resources from others.

    I'm looking into all views, and I will believe the one that is the most Biblical. I shan't be quick to change my views for any other reason.

    Christ's many blessings,

  3. Cute blog! I'm so glad to have found you... Though Blessed Femina. :)
    Have a blessed day!

  4. You know what. I was studying this same exact topic in August. I grew up as a premillenialist and was trying everything I could to defend it. After studying Scripture intently and looking at the many other views on it, I changed my view. Have you ever read Grudem's Systematic Theology? He also does a great job explaining the differences. I am eager to hear your views on it Shelby. Great blog!

    In Christ Alone,
    Joshua :)
