Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Truth About Truth - Introduction

In our post-modern world, sometimes it's really easy to get confused about something extremely foundational: truth.

The popular trend of the world is the belief that there is no absolute truth - everything is relative. When a conversation begins to turn into a debate, oft you'll hear, "Well, we just have different beliefs. If it's true for you, have fun. But that's not my truth."

((Todd Friel's endorsement of Put Your Beliefs to the Test by Brannon Howse on page 1))

The Truth About Truth is my quest to affirm my beliefs about the answers to these key questions:

  1. Does absolute truth exist?
  2. What is absolute truth?
  3. Can we know absolute truth?
  4. How does one know absolute truth?
  5. Who provides absolute truth?

May this journey bring God all glory!

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